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    Fraternity spokesman: Racist chant 'disgusting'

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      Fraternity spokesman: Racist chant 'disgusting'

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      CNN has reached out to both students. A spokesman for the Pettit family confirmed that Levi Pettit was in the video but declined CNN's request for an interview.

      来源:搜狐网 更新时间:2016-03-12 08:40:27 分类:科技 关键词:曝光,e9

      The fraternity said it is investigating other incidents involving other chapters that were brought to the attention of its national office.

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      Two students spotted in the video, Parker Rice and Levi Pettit, have been expelled for their alleged leadership role in the chant.

      'A horrible cancer'

      Boren has said the fraternity won't return during his tenure if he can help it.

      In announcing the new position Wednesday night, university President David Boren said he decided to make the hire two months ago -- before the video came to light -- and is in talks with an African-American candidate.

      来源:Cnn 更新时间:2016-03-12 14:40:42 分类:News

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      It's unclear whether more students will be punished for the video.



      "The OU SAE Board of Trustees has discovered that a horrible cancer entered into the OU chapter of SAE three to four years ago, and was not immediately and totally stopped," the organization said in a statement Wednesday. "It should have been."

      "I made a horrible mistake by joining into the singing and encouraging others to do the same."


        Shortly after it surfaced, the university cut ties with Sigma Alpha Epsilon, as did the national fraternity.

        "I am deeply sorry for what I did Saturday night. It was wrong and reckless," Rice said Tuesday in a statement to The Dallas Morning News.

        "Livid, just extremely heartbroken," Jay Vinekar, a founder of the university's SAE chapter, told CNN affiliate KTRK .

        A video of a racist chant by the university's now-disbanded Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity made headlines nationwide this week.

        Will other students get expelled?

        "He is a good boy, but what we saw in those videos is disgusting. While it may be difficult for those who only know Levi from the video to understand, we know his heart, and he is not a racist," Brody and Susan Pettit said.

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        OU to hire vice president of diversity amid fallout from racist video - CNN.com


        "I don't want it in my house, and I don't want those people to wear my letters, claiming to represent me. The problem is not just a couple of guys on that bus, the problem is that house, it's a cancer that needs to be cut out."

        It shows students on a bus clapping, pumping their fists and laughing as they chant, "There will never be a ni**** SAE. You can hang him from a tree, but he can never sign with me. There will never be a ni**** SAE."

        A statement from Pettit's parents said their son made a horrible mistake and apologized to African-Americans, students and university faculty.

        Follow @faithcnn

        (CNN)As a controversy over a racist video continues, the University of Oklahoma is announcing a plan to hire a vice president who will oversee diversity programs.

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        Local SAE alumni apologized on behalf of other members, saying the fraternity has had problems for years.

          The school newspaper and a student organization publicized the nine-second video clip after receiving it via anonymous messages.

          Fraternity spokesman: Racist chant 'disgusting' 02:33
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