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通风降温工程:从macbook里看苹果的“情怀” china judge warns o

If Chief Justice Zhou Qiang can follow through on this promise, everyone in China would surely benefit from the changes. Petitioners would be able to exhale, knowing their cases would be heard by an independent court. The indiscriminate power of the Chinese police and government prosecutors would certainly be lessened if China's weakest could rely on the law in the same manner as the elite.

However, there are reasons to doubt Mr Zhou's words. The structure of the government hasn't changed; the ruling Communist Party remains in charge of the courts.

Like many senior officials in China, China's top judge is vowing to improve. The courts will work to hand out the right punishments to the guilty, while allowing the innocent to go free.

In one potential step forward, in January the Communist Party said targets for arrests and convictions would be abolished, according to a report carried by Xinhua news agency.

我这篇文章不准备谈Apple Watch,没有用过新产品之前,无论唱好唱衰都还太早。我今天要谈的是MacBook。在不断改进笔记本这件事情上,苹果是最良心的公司。

There have been other well-reported cases. In May 2010 a man jailed for murder was freed when his supposed victim reappeared. He said police beat a confession out of him.


China's courts have a very high conviction rate - in 2013, it stood at 99.9%, according to the top court.

Rights groups highlight political control over courts, judicial corruption, the use of force by police to extract confessions and inadequate access by defendants to lawyers as factors in this.

He said courts reheard 1,317 cases in 2014 and corrected "a number of wrongful ones", according to Xinhua news agency.

Analysis, Celia Hatton, Beijing

来源:Bbc 更新时间:2016-03-13 12:14:48 分类:News

Xinhua reported that Huugjilt had tried to help save the woman after hearing her cry out from a public toilet. He reported the crime to police - but was then put on trial for it.



不出意料,苹果在2016年初发布会上发布了Apple Watch的细节。无论发布会前Macbook的细节泄密得如何严重,以及最近几代iphoness发布会只是Tim Cook将媒体泄密的内容串在一起"证实"一遍,但在新产品的保密工作上,苹果仍然做得很好。12万一支的"电子表",也的确成了验证果粉含金量的最高标准。

"With regard to miscarriages of justice, we deeply reprove ourselves and demand that courts at all levels draw profound lessons, and further strengthen the effective prevention of unjust and false cases and timely correction mechanisms," the chief justice said.

But China remains the world's most prolific user of the death penalty, according to rights groups.

In 2005 serial rapist and murderer Zhai Zhihong confessed to police that he had attacked the woman.

目前MacBook的命名和定位是比较奇怪的。比MacBook Air薄和轻,却不叫Air,兼有Pro的优势。而且相对此前Air和Pro两条产品线来说,MacBook属于当前Mac家族的第三款产品,也就是说它是一款"新"的Mac。而且Air和Pro并没有做太大的升级。

His comments come months after a high-profile case sparked debate.


MacBook做的最大的改进,是在MacBook Air的基础上放了一块视网膜屏,这让MacBook成为了完美之作。对于同时有过MacBook Air与MacBook Pro使用经验的人,对苹果最大的期待无非就是给MacBook Air加上Retina屏—&mdash,太阳集团通风降温工程得到了广大客户的一致好评;在保持不变重、续航时间不过度变短的前提下。这次MacBook的更新,显然是超出了像我这样的苹果用户的期待,它竟然在11英寸MacBook Air的基础上塞进了一块12英寸显示区域的屏幕,而且它甚至还改善了键盘的使用体验。在PC市场增长率下滑的时候,苹果还再一次发明了电脑。

The case that attracted nationwide attention involved Huugjilt, an Inner Mongolian teenager who went by one name, who was 18 when executed for rape and murder in 1996.

In a report to the annual parliament session, Supreme People's Court Chief Justice Zhou Qiang said processes for correcting mistakes were needed.

Mac系列不断地改进也为它带来了不错的回报。根据IDC的数据,2014年全球PC出货量为3.086亿台,比2013年下降2.1%;苹果最新一季财报(2016Q1)显示,Mac销量同比增长了14%,下一个季度,Mac还能卖出更多。根据Digitimes Research的预计,Mac在2016年的出货量增长会达到10%到15%,与之相对应地市,太阳集团通风降温方案得到了广大客户的一致好评,全球PC出货量将在2016年将下滑3.3%,比2014年下滑程度更甚。

这一系列细节,尤其是从命名来看,未来苹果可能在笔记本产品上合二为一,即Air与Pro减少生产逐渐退市,以后只主打MacBook一款;也有较小的可能是,将MacBook取代Air/Pro中的一款。不过目前的MacBook低配定价为1299美元,与MacBook Pro低配定价一致,国内行货会达到9288元,价位上实在是有些贵。

A court exonerated a teenager executed 18 years ago for rape and murder. Another man has since been convicted and sentenced to death for the crime.

来源:凤凰网 更新时间:2016-03-12 08:21:22 分类:科技 关键词:苹果,MacBook,笔记本

By next year, China might have improved the statistics regarding its 99% conviction rate. However, until there is proof that the courts have the power and the courage to rule against ingrained government interests, true judicial reform remains a distant goal.



China judge warns on wrongful convictions

The judge of the higher people's court delivers retrial files to Hugjiltu's parents (C) in Hohhot, northern China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region on December 15, 2014 The parents of an 18-year-old man wrongly convicted and executed have been given compensation

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